SORA Substrate Bridge Development with a Sovereign State

A Bold Step Forward in Integration for a Sovereign State

SORA has achieved a significant milestone in its blockchain bridge project, completing the third phase – ‘Bridge Activation’. Significantly, this blockchain bridge infrastructure is being prepared for implementation in collaboration with an undisclosed Sovereign State.

A New Milestone in SORA Integration

The implementation of the SORA Kusama Council and Technical Committee has been completed. Their role in thorough testing and validation has ensured the bridge infrastructure is operational, efficient, and secure.

The Sovereign State Connection

Perhaps the most striking aspect of this development is preparing to implement the Hashi bridge in collaboration with an undisclosed sovereign state. By adopting a non-parachain Substrate-based network, the Sovereign State is committed to leveraging SORA to enhance its digital infrastructure.

Implications and Expectations

The details about the release phases and the specific role of the bridge in the Sovereign State’s digital strategy are still under wraps. This initiative is not just about technology adoption; it’s about redefining governance, transparency, and efficiency with SORA. 

In summary, the Hashi bridge Substrate upgrade, supported by the SORA community through a grant to Soramitsu, is progressing towards enhancing digital asset flows and availability at a nation-state level

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